Using this program you can create a database without having any special knowledge. According to the opinions and comments of its actu
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Brilliant Database Classic 2.0 FREE DOWNLOAD
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Using this program you can create a database without having any special knowledge. According to the opinions and comments of its actual users, Brilliant Database perfectly fits the purpose of maintaining a database with the information about the personnel, customers, goods, important papers and – the last but not the least – various collections and albums. Nevertheless, you can always create a database for working with totally different types of data.
The visual form editor is a characteristic feature of Brilliant Database, which allows creating new databases in a quick and easy manner. You choose the required element from the element set and put it into the form. Here you can use lists, text, image or password storing fields, buttons and a lot more.
Modify their properties such as color, font, location, style or type, according to your requirements. Also, you can make a number of forms to use as templates for printing various reports.
After you have finished setting up the forms, you can get down to working with the database itself. Here you will come across the following useful features:
+ The possibility of attaching any files to the records in the database (images, sounds, documents, archives etc.);
+ An easy-to-use and powerful report editor. Using the set of rules you won`t have any difficulties in generating the necessary report;
+ Form, table or list presentation of data;
+ The use of a tree structure;
+ Peak database size is 4Gb;
+ Images acquiring;
+ The use of hypertext links between the records makes the navigation through the database easier;
+ and much more.
Certainly, such database features as sorting, printing, importing and exporting, templates, backing up and password protection are also supported;
As to the cost of the program, it can be compared with the cost of usual organizers and cataloguers while being noticeably less than that of developing a new database – it`s only $39.95.
read more about Brilliant Database Classic 2.0
Databases & Networks
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Wine Organizer 3.6
Wine Organizer is a complete program that allows wine collectors, hobbyists, wine clubs, and cellar`s owners to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs. Organizer is intuitive and easy to use for the beginner, at the same moment featu ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $43 | Downloads: 1267
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Stamp Organizer 3.6
Stamp Organizer is a complete program that allows Stamp collectors, philatelists, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs. Organizer is intuitive and easy to use for the beginner, at the same moment fe ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $43 | Downloads: 1236
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Music Organizer 3.6
Music Organizer is a complete program that allows music collectors, audiophiles, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs. Organizer is intuitive and easy to use for the beginner, at the same moment fea ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $43 | Downloads: 1200
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... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E15 | Downloads: 1236
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Decompiler for FoxPro 2.0 2.0
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
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Version Control Master for Interbase SQL Server site license
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
OraEdit PRO - 5 Lic. Bundle 3.1
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
SQLExpress Lite (upgrade) 3.0
This is an upgrade to SQLExpress Lite 3.x. You must be a registered SQLExpress 2.x user with a valid 2.x registration password in order to purchase the upgrade. If you are not a registered 2.x user, you can purchase the full product by selecting one of th ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $129.99 | Downloads: 1217
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
todBase - PROGRESS to dBase export. 1.1
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
SQLExpress Pro (upgrade) 3.0
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
IB LogManager 2.x (1 User License) 2.x
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
IB LogManager Viewer 2.x (1 User License) 2.x
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Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
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